Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Ricerca / Egyptian Collection: Third Intermediate Period - Late Period


With the end of the 20th dynasty, Egypt loses again its territorial and political unity: starts then the Third Intermediate Period (21st-24th Dynasties: ca. 1075-716 BC). If the south of the country comes under the direct control of the Theban priesthood of Amun, in the Delta some general of Libyan origin, now integrated into Egyptian society, proclaim themselves sovereign, founding the 22nd and 23rd dynasty (944-732 BC).

After the brief interlude of the XXIV "indigenous" dynasty (722-716 BC), are still foreigners, this time Nubians, who founded the XXV Dynasty (750-656 BC). The sovereign for twice will face the Assyrian armies on the Egyptian territory. The energetic leadership of Pharaoh Psammetichus I, founder of the XXVI Dynasty (664-525 BC), brings the country to the prosperity of the past. This is a brief parenthesis of the Late Period (XXVI-XXX dynasties: 664-342 BC) because the country will suffer shortly after the first Persian invasion (XXVII Dynasty: 525-404 BC) and, except for the period of national independence corresponding to the XXVIII-XXX dynasties, a second Persian invasion (342-322 BC). With the conquest of Alexander the Great in 332 BC Egypt becomes part of the Hellenistic world.
A very substantial part of the Museum's collection is datable to this period; a lot are stelae, but also ushabti and bronzes.

Exhibition rooms | Egyptian collection