Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Ricerca / Roman Collection: oil lamp

Oil lamp in bull's head shape

Among the oil lamps in the animal shape is stated, in the first two centuries after Christ, the bovine's head type that imitates similar bronze exemplary. It is a production attested especially in Italy but spread throughout the Empire.

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This example, now without the typical handle, is really closed to the bronze model and it's evident in details rendering. The noozle in on the snout of the animal, while the pouring hole in on the top of the head, between the horns.

Provenance: Palagi Collection
Datation: 1st - 2nd century AD
Material: clay
Dimensions: height cm 5,5; lenght cm 9,5; max width cm 8
Inventory #: 6123

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Exhibition rooms | Room IX - Roman Collection