Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Via de' Musei 8 – 40124 Bologna
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Collections / Ricerca / Roman Bologna: the village

Plaque dedicated to Isis (cast)

The plaque is still walled up on the right side of the church of SS. Peter and Paul, which is part of the group of medieval churches that make up the St. Stephen's Basilica (in museum is exposed a copy). Sextilia Homulla in her will commissioned Anicetus, his freedman, to situate this dedication to Isis.

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It is the most important document proving that, beneath the basilica of Santo Stefano, there was a sacred complex dedicated to Isis, the Egyptian goddess whose cult was clearly very popular in Bononia. As the other sacred places of Isis' cult, it was located out of the city. However, other eastern cults also became widespread in the city quite early, such as those of Jupiter Dolichenus and the ones connected with Mitra.

Provenance: Bologna, piazza Santo Stefano
Datation: Mid-1st/late 2nd century AD
Material: White marble
Dimensions: Height 58,7 cm; width 280 cm
Inventory #: 19115

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