Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Ricerca / Roman Collection: the wares

Olla with grotesque uman face

Some olle have human faces as decoration, often deformed, characterized by grotesque expression; physiognomic attributes are made to mold with considerable relief.

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It's a widespread type of jar in the north of Italy and in other areas over the Alps, with an apotropaic function: they have to take away bad and negative influences or prevent them. In this case the apotropaic function is increased by the two phalli on the side of the face: the male organ was considered something useful against bad, deseases, negative influences. 

Provenance: Palagi Collection
Datation: imperial age
Material: pottery
Dimensions: height cm 29,5; diam cm 16,7
Inventory #: Rom 1467

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Exhibition rooms | Room IX - Roman Collection