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1)  RISM B/III.6: {The Theory of Music. Manuscripts from the Carolingian Era up to c. 1500. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts. Addenda, Corrigenda, a cura di C. Meyer, C. Ruini, G. Di Bacco, München, G. Henle, 2003, p. 449
| 466 | .  
2)  {Ars practica mensurabilis cantus secundum Iohannem de Muris. Die Recensio maior des sogenannten "Libellus practicecantus mensurabilis", a cura di Christyian Berktold, München, Beck, 1999 (Veröffentlichungen der Musikhistorischen Kommission, 14), p. XXVII
| 167 |  
3)  Daniel Seth Katz, {The earliest sources for the "Libellus cantus mensurabilis secundum Johannem de Muris", diss., Duke University, 1989, p. 1
| 164 |  
4)  F. Alberto Gallo, {Die Notationslehre im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert, in {Die Mittelalterliche Lehre von der Mehrstimmigkeit, a cura di F. Zaminer, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1984 (Geschichte der Musiktheorie, 5), pp. 257-356, p. 303
| 181 |  
5)  F. Alberto Gallo, {Philological works on music treatises of the Middle Ages. A bibliographical report, «Acta Musicologica», XLIV (1972), pp. 78-101 " , p. 100
| 177 |  
6)  Artur Michel, {Die Musiktraktate des Johannes de Muris, Wiesbaden, 1970 (Beihefte zum Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 8), p. 119
| 166 |  
7)  F. Alberto Gallo, {Prosdocimi de Beldemandis opera 1. Expositiones tractatus practice cantus mensurabilis magistri Johannis de Muris, Bologna, AMIS, 1966, p. 79
| 172 |  
8)  Paul Oscar Kristeller, {Iter italicum. A finding list of uncatalogued or incompletely catalogued humanistic manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and other libraries, London - Leiden, The Warburg Insitute - Brill " , V, p. 498
| 171 |  
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