Bach Gio. Cristiano |
The favorite songs in the Opera Adriano in Siria, composed by Sig. Bach. - London, printed by Welcker, s. a. - in fol., intagliato in rame, di pag. 52.
Bach Gio. Cristiano |
The favourite songs in the opera Carattaco, composed by John Christian Bach. - London, in fol., di pag. 60.
Bach Gio. Cristiano |
Six sonates for the Pianoforte or Harpsichord composed by John Christian Bach. Opera 5. - London, printed by Welcker, e. a. - Di pag. 34, in fol. obl., int. in rame.
Boccherini Luigi |
A second sett of six sonatas for the piano-forte or harpsichord with accompaniments for a violin and violoncello composed by sigr. Luigi Boccherini. - London : printed for the proprietor by J. Welcker...