Thomas J. R. The Picnic, A cantata designed for the use of schools, Singing Classes, and Social Gatherings suitable for female, or mixed woices. Words by George Cooper. - Boston, Oliver Ditson. - in 8°, di pag. 50.
  Waite Henry Randall College Songs. A collection of new and Popular Songs of the american colleges. - Boston, O. Ditson, 1887. - in 8°, di pag. 88.
  Waite Henry Randall Carmina Collegensia: A complete collection of the songs of the American Colleges with selections from the student songs of the english and German Universities and popular songs adapted to college singing. Edited by Henry Randall Waite. - Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co. - in 8°.
  Walker Gertrude and S. Jenks Arriet Songs and Games for little ones. Second edition. - Boston, Oliver Ditson and Co. - in 8°, di pag. 117.
  Wiggin Kate Douglas Kindergarten Chimes, a collection of Songs and Games composed and arranged for Kindergartens and primary Schools. Revised and enlarged Edition. - Boston, Oliver Ditson and Co. - in 8°, di pagine 124.
  Bonawitz Johann Heinrich Ostrolenka. Grand Opera in four acts composed by Johann Heinrich Bonawitz. - Boston, Oliver Ditson. - in 4°, di pag. 186.
  Eichberg Julius The Doctor of Alcantara a comic opera in two acts. Libretto by Beny.E.Woolf. Music by Julius Eichberg. Published by Oliver Ditson et Co. - Boston. - in 4°, di pag. 139.
  Eichberg Julius The two Cadis. A comic opera in one act. - Boston, Oliver Ditson et Co. - in 8° gr., di pag. 108.
  Pratt S. G. Zenobia, Queen of Palmira. Lyric Opera in four Acts. - Boston Copyright, 1882, by Oliver Ditson. - in 8° gr., di pag. 207.
  Saroni Hermann S. The twin Sisters: an operetta adapted to the use of female Colleges, School etc. - Boston, Oliver Ditson and. Co., - in 8° obl., di pag. 101.
  Deems James M. Deems' Solfeggi an elementary and progressive Method of vocal music etc. - Boston, Oliver Ditson e C.° (Canto e Pianoforte).
  Fries Wulf and Suck August Practical Violoncello. Instruction Book; carefully selected from the best Authore, and arranged in an Easy, and progressive Manner by Wulf Fries and August Suck. - Boston, Oliver Ditson.
  Mason Lowell Vocal Exercice and Solfeggios, with an accompaniment for the Pianoforte. Adapted to the wants of private pupils, or classes in vocal music. Selected from Italian, French and German composere etc. - Boston, Olivier Ditson.
  Seiler Emma New and revised edition of Exercices for training the voice. Complete. - Boston, Oliver Ditson & C.°
  Tourjée E. The England Conservatory Method for the Piano-Forte. Comprising the First Three Grades of Instruction. - Boston, Oliver Ditson & Company.
  Wilson G. D. Material for early Piano Instruction. - Boston, Oliver Ditson & C.°
  Winner Sep A complete method for the spanish Mandoline contains simple and clear instructions, and a large number of operatic and other popular airs. Carefully selected from the latest publications, and arranged...
  Zundel John The modern School for the Organ, a new progressive and practical Method in three parts. - Boston, Oliver Ditson & Company.

Teoria musicale

Musica vocale sacra

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