Collocazione: SS.138 Zundel John
The modern School for the Organ, a new, progressive and practical method. In three parts. Part I. History and description of the Organ, Elementary Instruction, Exercises, and Volantaries in all Styles of Playing the Organ, (Without Pedals.) - Part II. Pedal Playing. - Part III. Combination of stops, voluntaries, and pieces suited to all occasions. New and revised edition. - Boston: Oliver Ditson & Company -in 4°, s. a., di pag. 200.Nomi: Zundel, John.
Editori: Ditson, Oliver.
Catalogo della Biblioteca del Liceo Musicale di Bologna: I, p. 341ID: 2900 Segnalazioni (errori nella scheda, suggerimenti bibliografici ecc.)
Teoria musicale
Musica vocale sacra
Musica vocale profana
Musica strumentale